Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Week Sixteen: With Cartavio, We All Win

Time is flying. Ive been in Cartavio for over two months. I know all of our investigators, all of the members, all of the streets. I love Cartavio. Unlike most other areas in the world, instead of the boundaries being like a street or a river or something, there is just corn in all directions.  We have juristiction over all of Cartavio and so we have a lot of pride in the city.
With Cartavio, we all win. This is my favorite cheesy wall quote. There are more. 

E Leavitt and I have been getting along better and better since we started as companions.  Now hes one of my really close friends.  It turns out that if you never leave sight of a person for two months, you really learn to like them. (The alternative is not pretty).
When I got here, I found out that we ARE allowed to have instruments so I bought a dope wooden flutish recorderish thing and I play the hymns on it as E Leavitt drifts off to sleep.

Im short on time this week so I promise something cool next week. I dont know what itll be yet, but itll be cool so get excited and tune in next Monday for...Week 17.

Love you all,
Elder Gonzalez

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